FlexLink headquarter in Gothenburg, Sweden

A global player headquartered in Sweden

Facts and figures about FlexLink

About us

FlexLink is an industry leader in automated production and material flow solutions. Working closely with our global customers, we provide state-of-the-art solutions that deliver production efficiency and enable sustainable manufacturing today and tomorrow.

Facts and figures

FlexLink serves a broad customer base, ranging from local producers to global corporations and end-users to machine manufacturers. We are a leading provider of high-end solutions to manufacturing industries such as food, beverages, tissues, personal care, pharmaceutical, automotive, batteries and electronics.

We serve customers through our operational units and a global network of strategic partners. The partner network has been an essential strategic element of FlexLink’s business model since its start in 1980, enabling the company to enhance efficiency at factories in more than 60 countries worldwide.

Lars Lindberg is FlexLink Chief Executive Officer.

+1.300 employees
26 operating units
Represented in +60 countries
350 MEUR order intake
+5000 projects per year
+9000 km of conveyor lines
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For FlexLink, being global means being flexible

The backbone of FlexLink’s worldwide manufacturing and supply chain is our global network. In Europe, our Internation Distribution Center is located in Poznan, Poland.

Leveraging know-how through global collaboration

We are a large enough organization to have an international customer base and organization, but each unit is small enough to give room for and encourage creativity and personal initiative.

In daily life at FlexLink, application and sales engineers work closely together to create unique solutions adapted to each customer's needs. Networking with colleagues over borders and disciplines is typical for the work in our organization. We regularly work in international teams, which offer great opportunities for individual development, global networking and cultural understanding.

To ensure that our people feel engaged and that communication in work is good, we conduct regular Employee Engagement Surveys (EES) and have a multisite certification for ISO 45001:2018, the international standard for health and safety management.

At FlexLink, application and sales engineers work closely together to create unique solutions
On-going investments in R&D

On-going investments in R&D

At FlexLink, there is a strong focus on proprietary products, such as flexible plastic chain conveyors, function modules, and software. This has enabled the company's cutting-edge, advanced product range to command a strong market position. Other examples are the generation of stainless steel conveyor systems and solutions for the pharmaceutical industry.

FlexLink invests in solutions that can easily be modified and customized, particularly valued in sectors where demand is rapidly changing. FlexLink is always looking for ways to 'think lean' and save time for its customers. The company is also committed to sustainability and investing in solutions with a low environmental impact that increases system efficiency, reduces power consumption, increases the re-usability of equipment, and improves the work environment.

Quality, environment & safety

FlexLink is committed to supplying high competitive products and services, which can fully meet all the explicit and implicit customer needs. The internal and external company resources are committed to reaching Quality and Efficiency goals in all business processes while ensuring compliance with principles for the protection of health, occupational safety and the environment.

In order to achieve these goals, FlexLink has been certified according to ISO standards.

Quality Management